Rob Zombie Rises Again

Rob Zombie is dead set on making 2016 a year to remember – and 29 April sees him release his most outrageous collection yet. Hot on the heels of 2013’s Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, Zombie’s sixth solo studio album, The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser, will assault your ears and feast on your brains… Or, as Zombie himself puts it, it’s his “heaviest, most f__ked-up musical monster to date”.
Having spent longer making this album than he has any other since the release of his classic 1998 outing, Hellbilly Deluxe, Rob promises an “instant Zombie classic” in the shape of ‘Well, Everybody’s F__king In A UFO’, and is gleefully making The Electric Warlock… available for pre-order through his own website,
Replete with exclusive, limited-edition merchandise, Zombie’s site also gives fans the chance to appear in The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser Movie, a project that is sure to see Zombie push his artistic vision even further.
A fearless and prolific musician and filmmaker, Zombie is also gearing up to release his seventh feature film later in the year. Crowdfunded by his ever-growing and dedicated fanbase, 31 stars Malcolm MacDowell (of A Clockwork Orange fame, along with Zombie’s cinematic remakes of the classic horror slasher flicks Halloween and Halloween II), features a film score by Zombie’s long-term guitarist, John 5, and is due to premiere later this month at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival.
Join the satanic orgy celebrations by pre-ordering the album and checking out the tracklisting below…
The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser:
‘The Last Of The Demons Defeated’
‘Satanic Cyanide! The Killer Rocks On!’
‘The Life And Times Of A Teenage Rock God’
‘Well, Everybody’s F__king In A UFO’
‘A Hearse Overturns With The Coffin Bursting Open’
‘The Hideous Exhibitions Of A Dedicated Gore Whore’
‘Medication For The Melancholy’
‘In The Age Of The Consecrated Vampire We All Get High’
‘Super-Doom-Hex-Gloom Part One’
‘In The Bone Pile’
‘Get Your Boots On! That’s The End Of Rock And Roll’