‘Grand Funk’ Album: Even More Grand, Even More Funky

The sophomore album saw the trio expanding on the confidently hard-rocking sound of their debut release.

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'Grand Funk' artwork - Courtesy: UMG
'Grand Funk' artwork - Courtesy: UMG

After making the Top 30 of the American album chart with their 1969 debut LP On TimeGrand Funk Railroad were soon proving that it was no fluke. The album simply titled Grand Funk entered the Billboard chart on January 31, 1970 and, little more than six months later, gave the band their first gold disc.

The sophomore album saw the trio of Mark Farner, Don Brewer and Mel Schacher expanding on the confidently hard-rocking sound of the debut release. But the band were not yet into the era of their huge hit singles: “Mr. Limousine Driver,” released simultaneously with the album in the last week of 1969, just nudged into the Hot 100, with a No.97 peak.

Mr. Limousine Driver (Remastered)

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Grand Funk included the near eight-minute Farner composition “Paranoid” (no relation to the Black Sabbath hit of later the same year) and a version of the Animals’ “Inside Looking Out” that soon became a live favorite. Where On Time had peaked at No.27, the new album climbed to a No.11 peak, in an epic chart run of 67 weeks.

Listen to uDiscover Music’s official Grand Funk Railroad Best Of playlist.

Indeed, 1970 was a banner year for the band, as they notched up no fewer than four gold album certifications from trade body the RIAA. After Grand Funk, their fourth album Closer To Home took just two months to go gold; On Time made the gold standard in October and, as their fan base grew and grew, the Live Album release went gold just one week after release in November.

Years later, in a shower of certifications by the RIAA in 1991, Grand Funk won a platinum disc on the same day as E Pluribus Funk, Survival and We’re An American Band, as Live Album hit double platinum. Grand Funk mined a lot of precious metal in their day.

Buy or stream Grand Funk.



  1. Tom Campbell

    January 31, 2015 at 9:27 pm

    Grew up as they were coming up and they were one hell of a band. Great music. I had heard a story that Mark Farner when he was younger had gotten beat up because of his long hair. He then vowed that would never happen again so he became obsessed with lifting weights and karate which is how he got his muscle bound physique.

    • Andrej

      September 7, 2016 at 4:49 pm

      yes, it’s true I don’t know for weight lifting and karate but I know that he had been beat up when he was younger because of long hair it is written in his book From Grand Funk To Grace also he had big problems in high school about the same thing. Please Don’t Worry song is written about that.

  2. Keith FInkel

    February 1, 2015 at 12:22 am

    This album changed my life. My parents had it on vinyl and 8 track, so I was 4 years old when I first heard it. Since then, I can’t go more than a month or two without rocking out to it. Mark, Don and Mel were firing on all cylinders and this epic sophomore disc captures them in all their glory.

  3. Bob

    February 3, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    First heard GFR in my late teens. Went to a few of their concerts over the years. First album is a favorite listened to regularly.

  4. Tim

    April 3, 2015 at 5:12 am

    This Album is what early Heavy metal rock is all about. These boys must have had fun recording it!

  5. Tom Thomlinson

    September 10, 2015 at 5:23 pm

    Get the orginal band back together. Cmon Don and Mel this is bullshit

  6. Goddy Nwegbo

    January 31, 2016 at 8:51 pm

    It is great for GRAND FUNK to be remembered at this time. They are ever fresh in my memories with Good singing good playing and Phoenix albums plus so many others. I recall my good old days with these guys. Can I ever set my foot on the soil of the home of these wonderful guys even at this sun set? Watching these guys play live could add some span if they are still there.

  7. manny194

    February 2, 2016 at 1:18 am

    Grande G F R, sonido inigualable para toda una eternidad

  8. Rich

    February 4, 2016 at 7:25 pm

    I was 11 yrs. Old when this album came out. I must admit I actually heard Survival and On Time before this one, but ss time eent on this and all of GFR’s music became my all time favorites.

  9. Bruce

    June 19, 2016 at 10:06 pm

    First band I seen live I love it here for life

  10. Darrell

    January 31, 2018 at 8:06 pm

    Absolutely the best arena band ever and my all time favorite band. Being from Flint I heard Terry Knight and then a month later heard of GFR around town that people started to talk about as a new band. Saw them numerous times and met them in Holly through a friend. But love the original three with Frost. Not the new ones

  11. Tom

    December 30, 2022 at 12:36 am

    They belong in the Rock and Roll HOF

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